Led by Chloe Briggs and Tania Kovats:
Duration: One day
Number of participants: Six
Aim: To bring together international drawing practitioners to share their current
concerns, focus, and to respond to the question, ‘What am I drawing now?’
Part 1: Participants each share work in Pecha Kucha format presentation
(20 slides X 20 seconds)
Part 2: A critical, supportive conversation about the work with peer group led by Chloe
and Tania
Part 3: Participants each recieve a personal letter from Drawing Correspondence in
response to the work presented and conversations shared. It will offer guidance, structure and inspiration for moving forward.
Upcoming dates for Autumn/Winter 2022 to be confirmed.
TIMES: These will be dependant on participants time zones.
COST: £150 (One bursary place)
See How to Apply section