Currently accepting applications for:

Drawing Correspondence Five Week Program: Shadowlands
13th Nov - 15th Dec 2023

Send PDF:

1 X A4 Letter of Motivation

- a short text no more than 650
words saying why drawing
matters to you, and your reason
for applying

1 X A4 Drawing

1 X CV (if you have one)

We are able to offer one free place, the Drawing Correspondence Bursary. If you are unwaged please make a separate case, no more than (350 words) for why you should be considered for this, indicating how this will make a difference to you

with subject line:


DEADLINE ‘Shadowlands’:
29th October

Sucessful applicants notified:
31st October

Total number of accepted applicants: 10

1 bursary place 

COST: £500

© Drawing Correspondence