Drawing Breath : A Drawing and Meditation Online Weekend Workshop

This Drawing Breath Drawing and Meditation Online Program was a virtual ‘retreat’. This is suitable for anyone who wants to explore combining these two practices. Many now understand the power of mindfulness for creating focus, energy, mental wellbeing and creativity. Increasingly it is also understood that a drawing practice, at whatever level, provides similar benefits.

The weekend Online Drawing Breath Program is delivered by Tania Kovats and Jane Sassienie, and is part of their ongoing work together to deliver connected drawing and meditation strategies for enriching life.

NEW WEEKEND DATES: will be posted for an Evening Welcome
Session at 6pm with two days of: Drawing and Meditation sessions on Saturday
and Sunday (10 - 4pm GMT)

How much does it cost?
£200 for the weekend

If you want to join the Drawing Breath Online Program you will need to have: 

A strong wi-fi connection
An email address
A laptop or tablet
Be able to access Zoom
Facilities to document your drawings digitally as you make them

How do I apply for the Drawing Breath Online Program?
We will share new dates one month before the Program delivery with
applicatiion information.
We are keeping the number of participants low, between 10-18
We will keep a waiting list open for future programs.

Send an email to: drawingcorrespondenceprogram@gmail.com 
with subject line ‘Drawing Breath’

© Drawing Correspondence